The track plan at Whimsey Hill is fairly straight-forward and represents the period after the rationalisation and resignalling which took place after the truncation of the branch line to Haywards Heath. The station was the only one to remain open to act as a turn-back to relieve the ever increasing terminating traffic at Uckfield. Whimsey Hill became a terminus, for which it was not designed, however S&T managed to simplify the track layout and interlocking in an attempt to make easier operation. 

The former up line to Uckfield became the single line section, whilst the down line was lifted, with the down line in station limits made into a siding, making use of spare switch blades from Uckfield for catch points. The Lindfield end of the station had all signals removed entirely; A driver wishing to run round now has to ring the signalbox to request permission to pass the "Stop" board and once given, he will take his loco into the headshunt, change the hand-operated points and return through either platform road (whichever is clear). Most trains used to arrive in the Up platform road, with locomotives running round and departing from the Up. Passenger trains arriving on the Down platform would have to be shunted via the single line into the Up platform before departure, this is because signalling rules did not allow for passenger trains to run over unlocked pointwork. Wonder Rail had to compromise on this for easier operating rules, and has installed signalling and FPL's on the down platform roads to enable Passenger trains to depart. The station is also equipped with a bay which is signaled straight onto the single line. Access to the goods yard is via the down platform road into a headshunt, and reversing into either the coal road or loading platform road. A milk siding was also provided for local dairy farms to pump processed milk into tanks which were then shipped to the nearest dairy processor for bottling and distribution. The goods yard is all operated by hand except for the entrance to and from the headshunt being controlled by the box. The goods yard has been layed to its authentic layout as it was by the end of the stations life, however the milk pumps have since long gone (the siding is back though!)

The station is equipped with standard SR rail built semaphore signal posts, using upper quadrant signals, all ground signals being the normal disc shape. Being only fairly short distance from Maresfield station, the section only utilises a distant and home signal, instead of the usual inner and outer homes. Trains returning to Maresfield require a starting and advanced starting signal to proceed. Whimsey Hill signal box deals with Maresfield  box for token release. 

Currently, there are still upgrades needed at Whimsey Hill, as the down platform is not yet signalled, meaning trains have to act as they would have done in the 60's, however S&T are working on installing the final signals to enable passenger trains to depart this platform, with all the FPL's being in place.